
Brand-kit & Design guidelines

We at Tzkrti appreciate a good design, here are some resources that might help you get the most out of your event.

Tzkrti.com Logo

SVG Format (Best for Scalability)

(Right-click and save)

PNG Format

(Right-click and save)

Event image

A picture speaks a thousand words.
Make sure yours is the right one for your event.
a great event image can boost ticket sales!

Choose a square image (1:1 aspect ratio)
The recommended image dimension
2160px X 2160px

any 1:1 ratio larger than 1080px will work,
example: 1080px X 1080px
Additional tips for a great event image:
  • Use strong visuals: Design high-quality images that are relevant to your event.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid cluttered designs and focus on a clear message.
  • Consider your target audience: Your design to appeal to your specific audience.

Together, we’ll create experiences that redefine the scene.

Legal disclaimer
By using the tzkrti trademarks & resources on this site, you agree to follow the tzkrti Terms of Service and all other tzkrti rules and policies. If you have any questions, contact us.