"The Magic of East and West" |14.10
Nakriz Association | جمعية نكريز
Nakriz Association | جمعية نكريز

"The Magic of East and West" |14.10

Mon, Oct 14, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Abba Khoushy Ave 199, Haifa, Israel , Hecht Museum's Auditorium - University of Haifa
  • 0507282342
  • "The Magic of East and West"
    Beethoven, Abdel Wahab, Mozart, Elias, Schumann, Qasabji, Wiezenberg, Massoud Jamil Bey
    A tribute evening honoring humanity, based on our belief that music has the power to build bridges of understanding and respect between people.
    This captivating musical concert features instrumental works composed by the greatest Western and Eastern composers.
    The evening will feature  elite artists who have risen to prominence in the Western and Eastern music scenes, both in Israel and around the world:
    Hillel Zori - Cello
    Menachem Wiezenberg - Piano
    Elias Elias - Western Violin
    Taiseer Elias - Oud
    Zohar Fresco - Percussion
    Firas Isami - Eastern Violin

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